Friday, December 30, 2022

Redneck, People's Party II, and How It all Began

 It was the mid to late '60s I was attending the University of Houston as a Chemistry major and needed some social studies credit so I signed up for a freshman Economics course. I didn't know at the time but that course and the people I met that summer totally changed my life. I started the summer as a West Texas redneck Goldwater Republican but with one saving grace I was against the Vietnam War. The summer ended with me being to the left of Sanders.

I was a little older that the others in my class (I'd been dodging the Draft and school was a great way to do it) and the teaching fellow that taught the class and I hit it off right away. In fact Ray and I ended up being roommates and are still very good friends.

Anyway I'll cut to the chase, a couple of weeks after class started the social studies teaching fellows gave a party and Ray and I went. At the party were a number of People's Party II members and most of the Economics grad-students. This being the Sixties joints were being passed around and I had my first hit of marijuana. As eye opening as the joint was the fact Blacks and Whites were together as equals was even more so.

Not long after the party some of the People's Party II members that were there were ambushed and murdered in their home by the Houston Police. The late '60s was an interesting time, I guess I'm one of the few that still live the life and for the most part still walk the walk.

I developed a love for Cannabis, even tried to grow some without much success but I did befriend a dealer (which is another story for later) that keep me supplied with great grass for many years right up to the point in the late '80s when The Department of Transportation began making noise about requiring random drug testing.  I had to choose; smoke grass or make a living. Making a living won and I quit until I retired two years ago. 

Two of the first things I did when I took off the gray pants, white shirt, and red tie for the last time was smoke a joint and then set up a "grow tent". I had just a few months before leaving for the Oregon coast but did get a crop in of pretty good weed. 

More of the story later


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