Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Week Four of Current Grow

 I have four DWC pots (all pots have GG4 Autos) in their fourth week and in flower. There are three DWC pots in their third week not yet in flower and one fabric pot with Coco Coir in its third week also not in flower. 

A couple of observations as this grow is in new media for me. First is DWC is more work than soil. Coco Coir may be less work. The Coco pot is the plant on the lower right, it was transplanted at the same time as the DWC directly above and slightly left. The DWC plant is maybe 20% larger than the Coco plant. 

The DWC plants along the top have yellowed new growth leaves. Most likely from too high pH. The one on the right showed signs of a pH problem first, followed a day later by the one on the left. Both are being corrected but it takes a day or two to show, the plant on the right has almost completely recovered.

The more work for DWC comes from the need to monitor pH closely. As this is my first DWC rodeo I do not know if it is normal but the pot pH is not stable and can get out of range quickly. I expect if I do another DWC grow the pots will be on low stands with a valve for H2O sample collection. The Coco Coir is a joy. It takes a gal. of pH adjusted neuts every three to four days and when tested on the third or fourth day the 'soil' pH is the same as the pH of the last feeding. You may not be able to see it from the photo but the Coco plant is really healthy looking. 

My original plan was to have four DWC plants and four Coco Coir plants of the same cultivar and then see if there was a difference and if there was which produced the most prime bud. I forget why that plan was not implemented but whatever by the end of March I should have harvested eight GG4s.

If I don't go wild making edibles and concentrates the eight should produce enough flower to last the year. If not, then there is always the local dispensary. It is good to live in a "legal" state, my bad foot, knee and back along with my liver thank so as well. I would hate to go back to prescription or over the counter pain meds.       

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A Quick Update

 I have a dwarf plant in pot #1 (24", 61cm tall) and a giant in pot #4 (42", 1070cm tall). I almost killed the dwarf early but dec...