Saturday, May 25, 2024

At A Loss

 We Planned a trip to UK starting a couple of days ago but Ms Bubba developed a lower back problem that made the flight over impossible and the ability to do anything once there also difficult. Because of timing, middle of the month start for the UK trip and camp hosting starting on the first of the month, the trip killed two months of growing time plus the last crop's harvest was the middle of April.  If I'd known the trip was a no-go I could have grown one more crop before leaving for Oregon. Bottom line this has been the longest time I've spent at home without a grow to tend too post retirement and I'm lost.

Having grown up on a dirt farm I know what it is like to farm and it is nothing to romanticize, hard never ending work for little reward but my little garden of Cannabis is oddly centering and rewarding. I miss the day to day routine and even though Cannabis is a weed the amount of knowledge to get the best out of each plant is a challenge. I wouldn't want to run a commercial grow, it would be too much like the dirt farm but my little legal grow (6 plants per adult) of less than twelve plants at a time has enough routine and challenge to make retirement enjoyable, a reason to hop out of bed each day and deal with the Cannabis gods. 

Unless commitments change there will not be another crop start before mid December '24. That's the bad news, the good is there is enough left over product to last at current consumption rate till the first 2025 harvest without visits to the local dispensary.    

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A Quick Update

 I have a dwarf plant in pot #1 (24", 61cm tall) and a giant in pot #4 (42", 1070cm tall). I almost killed the dwarf early but dec...