Sunday, February 2, 2025

02-02-2025 Start of 3rd Week

 Tent 77F     

Water 67F

EC 2.0

pH 6.3

EC is still a little high but coming down, EC at this stage should be between 1.3 -1.5. Plants look good over all. Plant #2 has some evidence of early over heat on lower leaves and Plant #1 is a dwarf. Plant #1 has had the same feed, light, and conditions as the other three, it is just going to be small. Plant #4 has huge Indica leaves and a main stem to go with them.

An Overview of the tent, 4 RDWC pots with 3 fabric pots with Coco Coir, all plants from ILGM LSD Auto seeds. The RDWC plants are starting their 3rd Week, the  three Coco plants are a week behind; In a couple or three weeks when the RDWC plants are getting big the Coco  Coir pots will be moved from the tent to the side area and WX permitting maybe outside.

Pot #2, #3, and #4 are all healthy. This is Pot #2

Pot #1 is a dwarf, same start, same water, pH, and light, just a very small plant:

Click 'em to big 'em.

Lights have been changed to a Flower setting Red and White full power, Blue about 60%. The last three weeks I will add UVB lights for 2 to 3 hours a day. Now it is just keeping the EC and pH where they need to be and watching 'em grow for 70 or so days.

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