Saturday, March 8, 2025

RDWC v. Coco Coir

 Autoflower plants are a different plant v. Photo Period plants and require different growing techniques. Because Auto plants are on a genetic grow schedule any deviation from perfect conditions adversely effect final outcome. Where with photo period plants less than perfect conditions can be made up to some extent  by adding time to the vegetation stage. 

This is not a perfect comparison because the side tent conditions are not the same as in tent conditions but they are close. The side tent DLI is the same as that in the tent, the big difference is RDWC v. Coco. With RDWC you have near perfect control of EC and pH, with soil or Coco not so much and it really shows with Autoflower plants. I have grown in tent and side tent Autoflower plants, both in soil, with little difference in size or production.

The side tent plants are one week behind the in tent RDWC plants. 

The side tent plants:

     The RDWC in tent plants:

 The Bio Mass of the RDWC plants is at least twice maybe even three times that of the Coco plants. The real story will be told once the harvest is completed and the amount of flower and THC level can be measured per plant. Stay around, in a month or so I will know the answer. 

BTW click 'em to big 'em.

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RDWC v. Coco Coir

 Autoflower plants are a different plant v. Photo Period plants and require different growing techniques. Because Auto plants are on a genet...