Friday, April 1, 2022

Infusions & Tinctures

To make many of the eatable Cannabis products you first have to decarboxylate* your flower followed by either infusion or making a tincture. The difference between infusion and tincture is oil vs. alcohol. To make an infusion decarbed flower needs to be heated with oil for a tincture decarbed flower is soaked in near 100% grain alcohol.

With either product the flower/oil or alcohol mixture needs to be separated. There are many ways to separate the waste flower from the oil/alcohol, the best I've found is a "French Press" coffee maker.

My French Press:

 Cheap and works a treat.

For most eatables an infusion or tincture can be used interchangeably. Gummies are an example while there are differences in the end product, it will be mostly taste and texture.  

BTW, one difference between infusion and tincture is it is easy to concentrate a tincture making it stronger** and/or lowering the alcohol content for taste. You can lower it all the way down to FECO oil (Full Extract Cannabis Oil).


*I use an Ardent FX for both decarboxylate and infusion.

**Or weaker. If during the alcohol evaporation you let the temp get too high the THC will boil off before the alcohol does.

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