Saturday, November 5, 2022

New Greenhouse

 The Greenhouse is almost finished. It still needs the auto-vent and shelf installed, some small plastic trim added and a entry step.

 As always, click it to big it.

It appears to be a well made and designed kit with good instructions but with the number of parts it was kinda a pain in the ass to put together. Lots of looking for the "right" part number, matching it once found with the drawing in the instruction booklet and some "how in the fuck does this go together" time wasters. In the end there was close to 6 hours to build and level the base then close to 20 hours scratching my ass looking for parts and putting the whole thing together.

There are Tomatoes (Cherry and Beefsteak), Jalapeno peppers, and Basil waiting for the greenhouse to be finished. In a couple of weeks there will be one Auto and four Photo Cannabis plants ready and looking for a home. I expect the Auto plant will do OK in the greenhouse. The Photo plants are an experiment, I've not a clue if there will be enough light for the Veg stage and then dark enough at night for them to flower. 

One more photo of the Greenhouse because I can:

See you on down the road,


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A Quick Update

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