Thursday, November 24, 2022

Sharpening Iron

 Sharpening tools has two broad groups, folks where the sharpening process is the end point and those where sharpening is just a means of getting to a tool to make dull. I hate to admit being more in the first group than the second. In general the first group will have more stones and gadgets while someone in the second group may have nothing but a single stone and a leather strop. Both can do good work.

Stone storage, second shelf up are the JNATs, bottom self water stones and others:

 When I die please do not let MsBubba sell my JNAT stones for what she thinks I paid for them :-). I love the feel of steel on a JNAT and the edge that can be achieved but using them is a little fussy. Not hard to do but you have to learn the stone to use it well.  Man made "water stones" bring some of JNATs advantages to the table with a much lower learning curve but with a lot more muss and fuss. 

While I have way too many JNATs and several full sets on "water stones", for day to day sharpening of high carbon steel nothing works easier, faster, or better than a good Arkansas oil stone. If used correctly it will almost never need flatting, use a little oil, pressure on the cutter like you mean it and work the corners followed by a few strokes on a strop and you have a very good, long lasting edge to work with. Really little muss and monkey motion unlike using water stones which cut a little faster but damn the muss and fuss when using them. 

Anyway back to the first statement, sharpening iron is my "happy spot", when I'm at a loss of what to do I will pick up a chisel or plane cutter, dig out some stones, and spend time at the sharpening bench. I've done some serious wear on my beater chisels over the years thru that process. 

Sharpening station set up for using Arkansas Oil Stones:

  As always, click 'em to big 'em,


1 comment:

  1. Darn, it's too bad we are far away, I could keep you busy for a while. I'm definitively in second group, except I have just about one of each system known to man. No real natural Japanese stones, except for a few gouges finishing stones, been on the fence for years about plunging into yet another system. But honestly, could be hard to justify :-)



A Quick Update

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