Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Legal Cannabis

 Legal Cannabis, how sweet the sound. Just as Prohibition didn't stop the use of Alcohol, horrible Cannabis laws didn't stop the use of Weed, all they did was limit the study of Cannabis plants and ruin the lives of too many folks caught up in "Reefer Madness". I'm not sure the medical use of Cannabis lives up to the hype but I do know from personal experience Cannabis for pain relief does.

Not only does Weed help with the aches and pains of getting older it helps me stay simi-sane in this howling at the moon, bat shit crazy world the U.S. has become. Part of staying sane isn't just the psychoactive THC of the Cannabis plant, which is damn enjoyable, but the growing, the life cycle of the plants as they are nurtured from seed to mature flower. 

The one thing most States that have legal weed have done at least simi-correctly is allowing homegrown. I fully expect the greedheads will make a run on killing homegrown just like they did with moonshine. There is too much money on the table to not. At today's prices even a sickly almost dying marijuana plant will produce close to $1000 USD retail of smokeable flower.  That tells you two things, the "market" isn't a market, if it were marijuana would sell for about the same price as tomatoes.  Second for once my hobby pays for itself, in addition growing your supply is not only enjoyable but help keep you grounded.  

BTW, this year's grow season is almost over. Seven plants are still in the finishing stage. One SLH which refuses to mature, has looked a week out from harvest for at least three weeks now and six LSD Autos that may end up ready for harvest before the SLH finally makes it over the line.

The LSD Autos are making huge fat Colas, I'm so impressed with the LSD flower I've ordered LSD Photo seeds for the 2023-2024 grow. My current plan for the 2023-2024 grow season are to grow the following Photos; an Afghan Landrace Indica, Durban Poison landrace Sativa, and LSD, a Sativa dominant hybrid.  Autos are so trouble free and need so little special equipment I may throw in a few different Auto cultivars to fill out the season. 


1 comment:

  1. Once you grow the plants, do they produce viable seeds?


A Quick Update

 I have a dwarf plant in pot #1 (24", 61cm tall) and a giant in pot #4 (42", 1070cm tall). I almost killed the dwarf early but dec...