Wednesday, March 15, 2023

ShaveHorse/Mule Finished

 I've finished the Shave Horse/Mule:

Shave Horse:

Shave Mule:

Click 'em to big 'em.

No tools needed to break down or put together either other than a mallet and each module is easy to deal with. Even better both work a treat. 

If you are not familiar; A Horse is used with draw knives and spokeshaves to make spendles and legs. A Mule is used with knives, spokeshaves, and spoon knives to make kitchen tools.   

The clamping system on the Mule needed some ass scratching and fiddling to get everything working together but once fitted it holds work well. The Shave module is the old one from the prototype Horse it may or may not end up being the final Horse module but it works and works well for now.

The main difference between a Horse and a Mule is the Horse clamps from above where the Mule clamps from the side. If you have never used a Spoon Mule, you push the "clamping sticks" outboard with your feet, sounds awkward but isn't and works well with little effort. 

We are getting into the short rows prepping for Summer in Oregon. It comes up fast and there is still a ton to do to the house and garden before we leave. The 2022/2023 Cannabis crop is maybe three weeks max till final harvest, the tomatoes and peppers are doing well but I expect they will be harvested right up until we leave. We might stick a couple of the indeterminate tomato plants in the motorhome shower for the trip up, love homegrown tomatoes. 

BTW, retirement is a hell of a lot of work. 

See you guys on down the road,



  1. Retirement is a heck of a lot of work :-) Yes, It can be, but it keeps you alive. I feel so alive, I'm tired . I like the idea of interchangeable heads on the horse. Would add a stitching pony head on mine. Is your seat adjustable?

    Bob, one more project to add to my retirement list :-)

  2. Bob,
    I know, really moving slowly this AM.
    The seat moves back and forth but not up and down. It is not locked with a wedge, never felt a need as once you sit on it it does not move.


A Quick Update

 I have a dwarf plant in pot #1 (24", 61cm tall) and a giant in pot #4 (42", 1070cm tall). I almost killed the dwarf early but dec...