Monday, January 23, 2023

Curing In a Grove Bag

 No more "burping" Mason jars. Just put your dry flower in the bag, seal it with the "ziploc" and put it away until you are ready to consume. If you plan to store for awhile you can "heat" seal the bag as well if you like "belts & suspenders" but it is not necessary. The only problem with heat sealing is the bag is now single use. The bags come in several sizes, I just ordered a box each of 1lb, ¼lb, and 1oz bags. Cheaper, easier, may even work better than Mason jars, what's not to love.

You can see in the window I do not like a close trim. BTW, click it to big it.

Plants will be maturing on a rolling schedule with the Photo plants bringing up the rear. As posted earlier I've been really rough on this year's crop and these first three plants show the results of that bumbling with only 235g (8.3oz) of good bud plus two full Nova sleeve of trim and popcorn bud for making Cannabutter. What follows should do better,



  1. How does it maintain humidity and preserve terpenes?

  2. My understanding, which is poor, is the material that makes the bag a "Grove" bag is a two way moisture barrier that works to hold interior moisture in the 60% RH range. I'll soon find out if it works, whatever grove bags are cheaper than Mason jars* and even if they do not totally eliminate burping they are worth it if indeed they can keep the correct RH level.
    *if you buy from Grove, Amazon not so much.


A Quick Update

 I have a dwarf plant in pot #1 (24", 61cm tall) and a giant in pot #4 (42", 1070cm tall). I almost killed the dwarf early but dec...