Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Trim To Infusion

 I ended up with two full Mason Jars of trim, one from a hand trim, the other from the AC Infinity 19" trim bowl. I did a freeze and quick soak (15 min) of both jars producing ~800ml of tincture. The trim bowl tincture tested 12.3mg/ml THC, the hand trim tincture 9.9mg/ml.  

The Source Turbo can only handle 350ml at a time so I did three runs refilling the Crucible as it neared the end. The end product should have ~8000mg THC but I expect that number is high.  If the numbers are true then the infusion with 45ml of MCT would be 170 or so mg/ml, enough that a dropper full would work for all but the most hard core.

The infusion is being DeCarbed, in a couple of hours I'll take it for a test drive and see how close the numbers are.

BTW, most of the time I give a neighbor my trim. Up till now working with the trim was too much work for too little return. With the trim bowl and Source Turbo the equation may have changed.  If this works my workflow will become like a slaughterhouse where I use everything but the "moo".  

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