Tuesday, April 16, 2024

RDWC System Setup

 I cut the last plant this AM, cleaned the tent and moved a few things around then set up the new RDWC system. I wish I'd had something like it several years ago when I first started growing legal Cannabis.

Tent is still a mess but with minimum effort it will be ready for the next crop. Next up is installing the water chiller.

If the last two DWC plants from this year's grow are any indication of what will happen with better EC and temp control, four plants will supply all I and the neighbors need for a year. If not then a second grow will not be a problem.

The Artisun Technology system comes with two submersible pumps, one to recirculate the water between the grow buckets and one to empty the buckets when the water needs changing (every two weeks or sooner). Big pipes with no leak connectors (and no break connectors). Truth is as much as I would like two more buckets in my 5'X5' tent, four is a better number six would crowd things.  

If you can't tell I'm impressed with the system it answers all the questions and concerns I had about hydroponics from last years grow.  

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A Quick Update

 I have a dwarf plant in pot #1 (24", 61cm tall) and a giant in pot #4 (42", 1070cm tall). I almost killed the dwarf early but dec...